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Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Could be Trouble for OPEC Member Iraq

Pipeline will almost triple shipments, bringing oilsands into direct competition with Iraq crude Bloomberg News Canada’s newest oil pipeline may spell trouble for a Middle Eastern country almost 7,000 miles away: Iraq. The Trans Mountain pipeline’s expansion, which will almost triple Alberta oilsands producers’ ability to ship their heavy crude to the Pacific Coast, will most directly affect …

Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Could be Trouble for OPEC Member Iraq Read More »

Canadian Oil Flows to L.A. as Trans Mountain Pipeline Start Nears

Canadian crude shipments to Los Angeles are surging, a possible preview of how an expanded pipeline that’s nearing startup may redraw flows along the Pacific Coast. Three tankers carrying a total of 1.74 million barrels have sailed from Vancouver to the biggest U.S. West Coast city in March, the most in at least four years, according …

Canadian Oil Flows to L.A. as Trans Mountain Pipeline Start Nears Read More »

Heavy Oil Differential Narrows Slightly

 The differential of Western Canada Select (WCS) heavy crude versus the North American benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) narrowed slightly on Tuesday. * WCS for April delivery in Hardisty, Alberta began and ended the trading session at $15.10 per barrel under WTI, according to brokerage CalRock. On Monday, WCS had traded between $15.15 and $15.30 …

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Canada’s Suncor Looks to Cut High Oil Sands Mine Operating Costs

Suncor Energy, Canada’s second-largest oil producer, will focus this year on cutting operating costs in its oil sands mining business, CEO Rich Kruger said on Thursday, as the company continues efforts to fix long-running underperformance. Calgary-based Suncor is trying to improve safety and efficiency after a string of fatalities at oil sands sites in recent …

Canada’s Suncor Looks to Cut High Oil Sands Mine Operating Costs Read More »