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Biden’s Power-Plant Pollution Rule Collides With Soaring Demand

Coal plants must stifle most of their carbon or close by 2039 Emissions cuts will start to hit new gas plants in 2032 Bloomberg The Biden administration is cracking down on planet-warming pollution from the nation’s electricity sector, with mandates likely to encourage the closure of coal plants that advocates argue are vital to meet …

Biden’s Power-Plant Pollution Rule Collides With Soaring Demand Read More »

India’s Coal Sector Sees Huge Leaps in Output and Demand

(Reuters) – India’s coal sector is united about one thing. It doesn’t matter if you are a miner, trader, utility or steelmaker, you are bullish, extremely bullish. The overarching theme at this week annual Coaltrans India conference in the western state of Goa is that coal production, imports and demand are all going to rise …

India’s Coal Sector Sees Huge Leaps in Output and Demand Read More »

FirstEnergy Scraps 2030 Climate Goal in Rare Embrace of Coal

Two coal-fired plants are crucial to company’s power supplies Utilities under growing pressure to clean up generation fleets Bloombert FirstEnergy Corp. abandoned its 2030 target for slashing greenhouse-gas emissions because coal plants can’t be replaced in time, marking a major about-face in the movement to protect the climate. Utilities across the US have announced a slew …

FirstEnergy Scraps 2030 Climate Goal in Rare Embrace of Coal Read More »

U.S. Thermal Coal Exports Hit 5-Year Highs and Top $5 billion in 2023

(Reuters) – United States exporters of thermal coal earned more than $5 billion in 2023 as they shipped out more than 32.5 million metric tons of the high-polluting power fuel, data from ship-tracking firm Kpler shows. The thermal coal export earnings were the second-highest since 2017, following 2022’s $5.7 billion. The total volumes were the …

U.S. Thermal Coal Exports Hit 5-Year Highs and Top $5 billion in 2023 Read More »